Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Discontinuity, Distortion, Draw mark, Dross, Electrolytic action, Erosion, Excess braze, Fatigue, Fatigue crack

Tabel 2.1 h
Discontinuity Is an interruption in the normal physical structure or configuration of a part such as cracks, laps, folds, seams, porosity, etc. A discontinuity may or may not affects the quality of the part.
Distortion Extensive deformation of the original contour of apart
  • Usual cause is impact of an unwanted object, structural stresses, or excessive localized heating.
Draw mark Linear, trough-like grooves which result from the action of die imperfections or foreign material on the drawn material
Dross Linear imperfection or imperfections in the form of the branching or irregular patterns, caused by impurities or oxides in a cast material.
Electrolytic action Breakdown of surfaces by electrical action between parts made of dissimilar metals.
  • Usual cause is galvanic action between dissimilar metals.
Erosion Carrying away of material by flow of hot gases, grit, or chemicals.
  • Usual causes are flow of corroding liquids, hot gases, or dirt-laden oil.
Excess braze Braze material beyond the joint fillet. Sometimes refered to as a run, streak or flash.
Fatigue The progressive fracture of a material under circled stress loading.
Fatigue crack Occurs only in parts that have been in service under repeated stress reversals or stress variations. The crack starts at a highly stress area and propagates through the section until failure occurs. A fatigue crack will start more readily where the design or surface condition provides a point of stress concentration, such as fillets, poor surface finish, seams, grinding cracks, and from fastener holes that have poor surface finish and sharp burrs.

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