Friday, May 21, 2010

Bottomed Impression, Braze Crack, Braze Fillet, Braze Porosity, Braze Ripping, Braze Void)

Tabel 2.1 b
Bottomed impression Pit, cavity or hole in which the bottom can be seen.
Braze crack Linear fracture of the braze surface
Braze fillet Braze in a joint crating a smooth transition between the details being joint
Braze porosity A group of closely spaces, small voids (internal pores) in the braze joint or fillet open to the braze surfaces
Braze ripping A condition of the braze surface characterized by unevennes and irregular appearance with peaks and valleys that are gradual in nature
Braze void Unfilled space in braze material in which a bottom is visible

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Abrasion, Arc Burn, Back to back imperfection, Bend, Blending, Blistering

Tabel 2.1 a
Abrasion A roughened area. Varying edges of abrasion can be describe as light or heavy, depending upon extent of reconditioning required to restore surface.
  • Usual cause is resent of fine unwanted material between moving surfaces
Arc burn Evidenced by a small circular or semi-circular heat affected area on the surface of a part that may contain shallow pitting, remold, or crack. Blades with arc burn are not acceptable for further service.
Back to back imperfection Imperfections on the opposite faces of a specific wall (or weld) which normally are opposite each other. This condition is considered evidence of a single through-wall imperfection.
Bend General distortion in stucture as distinguished for alocal damage in comformation.
  • Usual causes are uneven aplication of heat, excessive heat or pressure, or forces defined under stresses
Blending An operation which removes an irregularity from a surface and results in a shallow, smooth depression.
Blistering Raised areas that indicate separation of surface from base. Usually found on plated or painted surfaces. Associated with flaking or peeling.
  • Usual cause is imperfect bond with base, usually aggravated by presence of moisture, gas, heat, or pressure

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Radiographic X-Ray Inspection Method Advantage and Disadvantage

Tabel 1.6
Method Advantage Disadvantage
Radiographic X-Ray
  1. Ability to inspect for both internal and surface defects
  2. Ability to inspect parts covered for hidden by other parts or structure
  3. Permanent test records obtained
  4. Minimum part preparation required
  1. Most expensive
  2. Airplane have to be defueled
  3. Area must be cleared of other personel to avoid X-Ray exposure
  4. Test method is highly directional, depends on crack / X-Ray source orientation
  5. High degree of skill required for varied technique development and radiographic interpretation

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Eddy Current Inspection Methode Advantage and Disadvantage

Tabel 1.5
Method Advantage Disadvantage
Eddy Current
  1. Portable
  2. Moderate cost
  3. Immediate results
  4. Sensitive to small indications
  5. Little part preparation
  1. Essentially a surface inspection
  2. Surface to be inspected must be accessible to contact by the eddy current probe
  3. Rough surfaces interface with test sensitivity
  4. Suitable for inspection of metals only
  5. No permanent test records
  6. Considerable skill and familiarity required in handling test equipment
  7. Time consuming to scan large areas

Monday, May 10, 2010

Ultrasonic Inspection Method Advantage and Disadvantage

Tabel 1.4
Method Advantage Disadvantage
  1. Suitable for surface and subsurface defects
  2. Sensitive to small defects
  3. Immediate test results
  4. Little part preparation
  5. Wide range of material thickness can be inspected
  1. Surface of part to be inspected must be accessible to sonic probe
  2. Rough surfaces interface with test results
  3. No permanent test records
  4. Test method is directional depending on sound beam defect orientation
  5. High degree of skill and experience required to set up and interpret results for varied test conditions

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Magnetic Particle Inspection Method Advantage and Disadvantage

Tabel 1.3
Method Advantage Disadvantage
Magnetic Particle
  1. Semi-portable
  2. Sensitive to small indications
  3. Defects surface and near surface defects
  4. Sensitive to inclusions as well as cracks
  5. Moderate skill is required
  1. Only suitable for ferro magnetic material
  2. Part must be physically and visually accessible to perform test
  3. Removal of most surface coatings and sealant required
  4. Inspection is semi-direction requiring a general orientation of field to defect
  5. Not usable in area where strong magnetic field may damage instruments
  6. Part must be demagnetized after inspection

Dye Penetrant Inspection Method Advantage and Disadvantage

Tabel 1.2
Method Advantage Disadvantage
Dye Penetrant
  1. Cheapness
  2. Portability
  3. High sensitivity
  4. Immediate result
  5. Minimum skill required
  1. Can only inspect surface of parts accessible to penetrant application
  2. Defects must be open to surface
  3. Part preparation such as removal of finishes and sealant required
  4. No permanent test result
  5. Direct visual detection of result required
  6. Requires a high degree of cleanliness for satisfactory inspection

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Visual Inspection Method Advantage and Disadvantage

Tabel 1.1
Method Advantage Disadvantage
  1. Cheapness
  2. Portability
  3. Immediate result
  4. Minimum special skills
  5. Minimum part preparation
  1. Suitable only for surface which can be viewed
  2. Generally detect only larger defects
  3. Misinterpretation of cracks and scratches