Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Responsibility of Inspector

In study of inspection, the responsibility of inspection can be viewed from two directions: in one view, the inspector job includes a management function and responsibility. This is to assure that the products conform to the required standars and specification. In this way the inspector actually represents the “boss”. Another view of inspection is that the inspector should not try to make laws, originate, change, elaborate, or establish specification, but assure that the laws, specifications and standards are followed as established.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Scope of the Inspection

The mention of inspection may immediately signify to many an ability to measure. It calls up visions of micrometer, height gages, surface plates, indicators, and the host of measuring devices developed use for inspection. Measurement is an important part of inspection. But it is not only this. The term implies visual inspection, the act of looking at parts and pieces and classifying the work by eye as satisfactory or reject. Visual skill and good judgement, good interpretation of the specifications, in determine the quality of shop products are properly the successful inspector should develop.

Aircraft engine Inspection Description

Aircraft Engine Inspection is a critical examination of engine and components, and the inspector in industry is supposed by the very of his title to examine products very closely, perhaps even more closely that the mechanic, and other employees performing other tasks on the products. Other industrial sense, an aircraft engine inspection is a critical examination directed to some pre-determined purpose. This is comparing of determine the conformance of a product to its specifications. Before any meaningful aircraft engine inspection can be performed, the inspector must know and understand the aircraft engine inspection criteria (the spesifications) for the item being inspected. For example, suppose the inspector is inspecting a compressor blade. The spesification for the compressor blade calls for a smooth blending without nicks, and sharp corners, certain finish and no discoloration. Regarding to industrial requirements, aircraft engine inspection are visual examination and manual checks in order to determine the condition of aircraft engine and its components. An aircraft engine inspection involving complete disassembly and the use of complex inspection aids. An aircraft engine inspection system is designed to maintain the aircraft engine in the best possible condition. In order to achieve this, detailed and repeated aircraft engine inspections must be performed with a good maintenance program. Irregular and careless aircraft engine inspection will result in gradual and certain deterioration of the engine. It has been proven that regular scheduled aircraft engine inspection and preventive maintenance assure airworthiness. Operating failures and malfunction of equipment are reduced if excessive wear or minor defects are corrected early. The importance of aircraft engine inspections on aircraft engines is necessitates trained inspectors to perform the inspection of the engine and components.